How to Perform Self Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration (trance) with the willingness to follow instructions (suggestibility). Hypnosis can successfully be used to address habits (smoking, overeating), emotional issues (stage fright, low self-esteem, anxiety), some medical issues (pain, quality of life issues related to chronic illness), and many other issues (study skills, sports performance). Many people are interested in hypnosis as an alternative therapy, but are turned away by the fact that a hypnotherapist may charge anywhere from 50 to 150 dollars per hour for a session. Some simple issues can easily be dealt with using the technique below, however, if you have a complex issue, you would probably benefit from shelling out to have a trained professional help you out using more advanced hypnotic techniques. Here's a self-hypnosis technique you can use today to improve something in your life.
